Cost Cutting Strategies During Economic Crises

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Cost Cutting Strategies During Economic Crises

It’s no secret the coronavirus (COVID-19) has completely shaken up life as we know it. It has affected people, businesses, and industries in ways that no one could foresee. During these unprecedented times, we need to return to the basics and take action to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 and economic crisis.

The Time to Plan Your Reopening is Now.

The coronavirus (Covid-19 pandemic) will change the way we do business, the way FEC's operate - and Embed wants to help you lead the way so you can future-proof your business, today. Right now, in the eye of the storm, you're in a state-of-emergency, focused on your very survival. You're not alone. But, astute business people know the opportunity is right here and now, to work smart in the short term (purely tactical) while working on their biz plan (all strategy) and getting their operation ready for opening day, when the crazy-cooped-up homebound families come out and play. Ready to hustle? Let's go!

  • 14 min read
  • Apr 6, 2020 8:00:00 AM

15 Ideas to Engage your Stay-Home Guests During the Lock Down

Is putting up a CLOSED notice on your website and Facebook page really all you can do? Rather than be paralyzed by fear, focusing on cost-cutting, some companies are going into marketing overdrive. These attractions and FECs are not just showing they are “cleaning their venue”, but actually have quite innovative ways to engage with their guests, prepare for the inevitable return of their fun-hungry, socially-starved guests. Check it out!

Be A Game Changer During The Covid-19 Crisis

Given the current state of affairs with the coronavirus outbreak, the constant flux and uncertainty, organizations and individuals are challenged to prepare for a future that is unknown; the recovery timing is unclear and impossible to predict (but, there is a certainty that this cannot and will not go on forever; the challenge is identifying when this will break, surviving until then, and planning your professional and personal come back). It is without equivocation that a “Challenger Mindset” is required more than ever in order to stay ahead of the change curve.

Surviving the Great Indoors.

Facts over Fears. There are times in life when the world moves at lightning speed, but not here and not now… or at least that’s what the media might have you believe. By now most of the world is homebound and/or working from home for the past week, many working from home while home-schooling their kids.

  • 8 min read
  • Mar 23, 2020 11:45:55 AM

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons

“Those who understand the changes in customer demand and react with speed and enthusiasm will emerge stronger than ever from the crisis.” said Hermann Simon, a business expert in strategy, marketing, and pricing. Take QuarterWorld, a Portland arcade, as an exceptional example of understanding the changes in customer demand and reacting swiftly. They pivoted their business in a mere 24-hours!

  • 3 min read
  • Mar 23, 2020 11:30:06 AM

Stronger Together. A Levity Break.

It was Helen Keller who famously said, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” And, it’s during these unprecedented times, as we come to terms with the uncertainty of the immediate, that we must all come together (figuratively and proverbially) to soothe, support and comfort one-another through this time. But, can we all agree that we must cease from taking out our anxieties on the almighty blessed toilet paper tissue roll? Be honest; no one needs 144 rolls of toilet paper for a 14-day quarantine. And, if by chance you do, then we can all agree that you should’ve seen a doctor long before the coronavirus outbreak. So, in the face of the ongoing onslaught of media around COVID-19, Embed would like to offer a little levity break (a humour break, if you will) for everyone working from home. And for anyone who might bristle at the idea that there is anything funny during these tough times (a global pandemic is not funny, and no one is inferring that it is), please go back in history – at any and all tough historical time periods you will find that humour, comedy, and the arts were a distraction and coping mechanism for humanity. Below are Embed’s favourite memes from across the internet:

  • 3 min read
  • Mar 20, 2020 11:45:47 AM

It’s a No Brainer: Game Card Readers Simplify the FEC

Game card readers, just like game cards and RFID wearables, aren’t the future of FECs they’re the present (not the new normal, the old normal). They deliver an unequivocal boost to customer experience, whilst simultaneously assisting businesses in minimizing costs, driving revenue. Period. Not convinced? Read on...

3 Ways To Bring Next Level Innovation to Your Family Entertainment Center

The time for using coins, tokens, and tickets in an FEC have passed, accelerated by the need for contactless , cashless payments. Technology advancements in the family entertainment center software & hardware have created guest experience innovations that have improved many different aspects of FECs. Customers now anticipate arcade debit card systems, FEC kiosks, wireless readers, contactless and cashless payment technology when they enter FECs, meaning it is imperative that your venue meets their expectations.

The 5-Step Guide to Marketing Success for Your FEC

Marketing is an important part of the business; it's what reaches your customers and raises brand awareness to bring them to your business (there is some truth to the saying "out of sight means out of mind"), and as such, it is critical for you to develop a marketing component of your FEC business plan of how to bring these customers in by raising awareness, running promotions that bring them into your business and keeps them coming back (keeping your brand "top of mind").

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