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Stronger Together. A Levity Break.

Written by Sara Paz | Mar 20, 2020 3:45:47 AM

It was Helen Keller who famously said, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” And, it’s during these unprecedented times, as we come to terms with the uncertainty of the immediate, that we must all come together (figuratively and proverbially) to soothe, support and comfort one-another through this time.

But, can we all agree that we must cease from taking out our anxieties on the almighty blessed toilet paper tissue roll?


Be honest; no one needs 144 rolls of toilet paper for a 14-day quarantine. And, if by chance you do, then we can all agree that you should’ve seen a doctor long before the coronavirus outbreak.


So, in the face of the ongoing onslaught of media around COVID-19, Embed would like to offer a little levity break (a humour break, if you will) for everyone working from home. And for anyone who might bristle at the idea that there is anything funny during these tough times (a global pandemic is not funny, and no one is inferring that it is), please go back in history – at any and all tough historical time periods you will find that humour, comedy, and the arts were a distraction and coping mechanism for humanity.


Below are Embed’s favourite memes from across the internet:


And around the world, a journalist flexing his usage of puns:


Our e-lights remain on while our workforce works from home. We’re practicing social distancing as part of our commitment to protect our partners, employees, and customers.

While this is far from business-as-usual, we are working hard to get through this, together. And together, we will.